Make On-Page SEO Simple With 7 Easy Steps 2021

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Ranking your business website on Google’s Search Engine isn’t rocket science. All you have to do is incorporate a fundamental on-page SEO checklist while creating your SEO strategy.

Here is an on-page SEO checklist that you can follow in 2021.

1. Image Optimization

Images improve user experience on a website. While they make the website content easy to consume and appealing, it is critical to optimize them as well. First, make sure the image file size is under 70 kilobytes.

Next, optimize the image filename and ALT text. The file name should be descriptive, for example, ‘on-page-optimize.jpg.’ The ALT text should be descriptive too since it appears when the image fails to load.

2. Titles And Meta Descriptions

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You should optimize the title and meta description effectively since search crawlers use them to determine the content on a page. Make sure you include the primary keyword in the front of the title tag.

Keep the title tag under 70 characters and meta description under 160 characters. The meta description should be keyword-rich and must answer the question you are addressing in the content.

3. Optimize URLs

One should optimize the URL of every webpage to ensure better click-through rates. It can be achieved when you keep the URLs short and concise. Complex URLs are hard to comprehend for search engine crawlers.

4. Optimize Page Load Speed

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Did you know that 47 percent of online consumers expect a website to load in under two seconds? If your site doesn’t load fast, it isn’t going to rank high on a search engine result page or SERP.

Check your website’s load speed on PageSpeed Insights, which will also provide you with quick improvement tips.

5. Header Tags

The content on your website should be intelligently divided into headings and subheadings, i.e., the content must use H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, and H6 tags.

You should maintain the proper hierarchy of the header tags across all pages on the website. Besides that, each subheading should be optimized using primary or secondary keywords.

Make sure the URLs don’t have filler words like ‘the, for, to, a’ and have the primary keyword for the page. Most importantly, the URL should be under 60 characters.

6. External And Internal Links

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Follow a proper linking strategy by optimizing both internal and external links. Both types of links play a crucial role in on-page SEO. Make sure there are no broken external links.

If you happen to have a broken link, make it engaging by turning it into a search portal. Next, ensure that your site’s internal pages are strategically linked to boosting visitor engagement.

7. Content Optimization

Lastly, focus on the structure, readability, and comprehensiveness of the website content. While the steps mentioned above would make your content SEO-friendly, you must ensure a proper length for the content. Create in-depth posts to rank higher on Google.

Long-form content, i.e., content that has more than 2000 words, often serves the audience better. It is because you get more space to cover relevant topics and answer their questions.


Google’s search engine algorithm changes quite frequently. The changes primarily focus on developing a more satisfying user experience. Hence, you must incorporate these changes into your website as well.

The above-mentioned on-page SEO checklist will help you achieve precisely.

If you have any questions, visit our SEO Services page for more information on how our team can manage your SEO campaigns more efficiently and efficiently by leveraging our expertise with on-page SEO, off-page SEO, and technical SEO strategies.

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